Miscellaneous RPG's

Officially licensed by the estate of Fred Saberhagen, this hardcover sourcebook offers everything you need to play DCC RPG campaigns in the world of the Empire of the East.
1 item(s)

This Sourcebook explores the Twelfth Doctor's adventures on Earth and beyond. With detailed information on all the allies, enemies, aliens and gadgets that they encounter, as well as examining each adventure, the book contains a wealth of material for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game, and is also a fact-packed resource for fans of the show!
2 item(s)

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Doctor Who RPG 2nd Edition
2 item(s)

Two to Five players take the roles of various Insurgency and Regime parallel universe characters to battle for dominance.
1 item(s)

Dice: Mistborn Alloy of Law Complete Set
1 item(s)

Map Pack 4: Ambush Pass features wilderness terrain ideal for use in Deadlands: Blood Drive.
1 item(s)

Map Pack 3: End of the Line! features a train station, corner saloon, and other classic western buildings.
1 item(s)

This gorgeous, graphic-novel size hardback contains all you need to run this epic tale of intrigue, adventure, and exploration. The story takes our heroes from greenhorn cowpunchers to hardened trail hands, letting players take on the roles of regular cowboys and cowgirls or any mix of Deadlands' unique character types.
1 item(s)

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D&D Heroes' Feast: Flavors of the Multiverse Cookbook
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Ptolus: Monte Cook's City by the Spire, the classic and much beloved campaign setting, returns for 5e and Cypher System fans. We're reissuing the whole, deluxe product in two versions, one for each of these popular, critically acclaimed game systems. 
1 item(s)

Cyberpunk: United Fronts - A Cybergeneration Supplement
1 item(s)
"**PREORDER** - estimated release date: January, 2021
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When your Crew’s getting down to the Meat and the Metal and waiting on your call, you don’t have time to dig through stacks of hardcopy or rely on CTRL + F to find the info you need.

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