Miscellaneous RPG's

The magical kitties in Happy Glade spend their lives like kitties in any other big city suburb. They laze in the sun, chase mysterious red dots, and occasional thwart alien invasions!
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When colonists traveled to Mars, of course their magical kitties came with them! Now the kitty krew is ready to stretch your paws, and there’s a whole planet’s worth of new adventures waiting!
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Based on the best-selling novels by Brandon Sanderson and powered by an all-new story-driven rules system, the Mistborn Adventure Game lets you explore, command, or liberate the oppressed world of Scadrial, battle the Lord Ruler's Inquisitors, and master the primal forces of Allomancy, Feruchemy, and Hemalurgy. It features new official fiction from Mr. Sanderson himself and loads of never-before-seen material, making it the ultimate resource for fans of the novels and those who want to experience the Final Empire firsthand.
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MÖRK BORG is a complete game in the OSR genre, that can be played as is or be picked apart for use in your own homebrew. The rules are easily made compatible with most of the editions of the world’s largest role-playing game.
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Based on the award-winning Mouse Guard comic book and graphic novel series by David Petersen, this pen-and-paper traditional RPG designed by Luke Crane contains everything players need to know about the world of the Guard
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Mutant: Year Zero: Ad Astra
2 item(s)

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My Little Pony RPG Core Book
2 item(s)


In a sleepy seaside town along the coast of Japan, an ancient evil stirs. There, guarded by the monks that have sworn to protect it, sits a great obsidian Buddha statue. Resting in the center of its forehead is a faintly glowing gem and behind it a dark mystery.
Hidden in the shadows, a doomsday cult awaits for the most opportune time to release the ancient evil that hides behind the Obsidian Gate.

2 item(s)


Pirates of Pugmire Screen - a sturdy three-panel screen featuring evocative art on the outer side, and a selection of charts and other info on the inside to make the Storytellers job a little bit easier. Inside are 8 pages of content designed to enhance game play.

1 item(s)


Dogs have inherited the world, building the kingdom of Pugmire untold centuries after the Ages of Man were over. These dogs have been uplifted to use tools and language, and they seek to rediscover the ruins of the Old Ones. The world is dangerous and mysterious, but good dogs will persevere. Pugmire is a light-hearted and family-friendly fantasy world. It’s one of the first of Onyx Path’s creator-owned games, produced in a partnership with Eddy Webb and Pugsteady.

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Ptolus’s 672 pages are crammed full of incredibly inspiring content—a breadth and depth of detail unmatched by any other RPG product. The book is uniquely laid out, and filled with thoughtful features, to make it easy for the GM to access that information and make every Ptolus adventure a rich tapestry of immersive details.
2 item(s)

Rangers of Shadow Deep is a solo and co-operative tabletop miniatures game, in which players create their ranger, gather companions, and play through a series of missions in their fight to hold back the darkness. If their rangers survive, they will grow in power and ability, and be sent on more difficult, dangerous and intricate assignments.
2 item(s)