Red Dragon Inn Allies: Erin The Ever-Changing

1 item(s)
Each Allies character will come in a two piece telescoping box containing a brand new 40-card character deck, Rules, Player Mat, Gold Coin Tokens, Fortitude and Alcohol Content markers as well as extra elements unique to each character.

When you first meet this soft-spoken young elf, you might be surprised to learn that she's an adept adventurer; even more so that she's often fighting on the front line. But then again, you don't run into very many shapeshifting druids at the Red Dragon Inn...

The Good: Erin's always ready with a kind word and a healing chant to smooth ruffled feathers or mend wounded flesh.

The Bad: When the drinks start flowing, Erin can turn into a tree. Have you ever tried out-drinking a tree? It's not pretty.Allies expansion pack with 40 character cards, player mat and all the extras needed to use this character in Red Dragon Inn