Basing Supplies

Army Painter: Battlefield Rocks (2019)
2 item(s)

Army Painter: Battlefield Snow (2019)
2 item(s)

Army Painter: Battlefield Steppe Grass
Out of stock

Army Painter: Deadland Tuft
2 item(s)

Army Painter: Deadland Tuft
2 item(s)

Army Painter: Mixing Balls
5 item(s)

Army Painter: Most Wanted Brush Set
3 item(s)

Army Painter: Plastic Glue
2 item(s)

Army Painter: Scorched Tuft
2 item(s)

Battlefield Field Grass
2 item(s)

Battlefield Grass Green
2 item(s)

Battlefield Razorwire
2 item(s)

Battlefields Basing Set
2 item(s)

Brown Battleground
2 item(s)

Frozen Tuft
2 item(s)

in stock, 5713799400191, 5713799400191

Whether you’re preparing to build desolate sand dunes or scorched lands, the GAMEMASTER: Deserts & Arid Wastes Terrain Kit will supply you with all the paints and basing materials you need to create amazing scenery for any RPG system or skirmish miniature game.

2 item(s)

Whether you’re preparing to build rugged rocks or sloping ridges, the GAMEMASTER: Ruins & Cliffs Terrain Kit will supply you with all the paints and basing materials you need to create amazing scenery for any RPG system or skirmish miniature game.
2 item(s)

5713799400498, 5713799400498

Whether you're preparing to build icy ridges or frigid concrete structures, the GAMEMASTER: Snow & Tundra Terrain Kit will supply you with all the paints and basing materials you need to create amazing scenery for any RPG system or skirmish miniature game.

1 item(s)

Whether you’re preparing to build shrubby thickets or fresh, mossy forests, the GAMEMASTER: Wilderness & Woodlands Terrain Kit will supply you with all the paints and basing materials you need to create amazing scenery for any RPG system or skirmish miniature game.
2 item(s)

Highland Tuft
2 item(s)

Jungle Tuft
2 item(s)

Lowland Shrubs
2 item(s)

Mountain Tuft
2 item(s)

Summer Undergrowth
2 item(s)