Warhammer 40K

Collect incredible warhammer 40k armies of miniatures representing armies from the distant future, then recreate the brutal clash of 41st Millennium warfare in warhammer 40k tabletop games of strategy and luck for two or more players. Each aspect of the Warhammer 40,000 hobby is hugely rewarding and satisfying in its own right. Build and paint your Warhammer 40k collection as you choose, to represent one of the iconic Warhammer 40k forces of the far future, or one of your own invention.

5011921155972, 5011921155972
Kataphron Battle Servitors - Adeptus Mechanicus
4 item(s)

5011921155927, 5011921155927
Belisarius Cawl - Adeptus Mechanicus
2 item(s)

Start Collecting! Daemons Of Khorne
Out of stock

Deathwatch - Watch Master
3 item(s)

Deathwatch - Upgrades
2 item(s)

Furioso Dreadnought - Blood Angels
3 item(s)

Blood Angels - Chaplain With Jump Pack
1 item(s)


Forgefiend - Chaos Space Marines

2 item(s)

Heldrake - Chaos Space Marines
Out of stock

Rubric Marines - Thousand Sons
4 item(s)

Scarab Occult Terminators - Thousand Sons
5 item(s)

Exalted Sorcerers - Thousand Sons
3 item(s)

Deathshroud Bodyguard - Death Guard
6 item(s)

Blightlord Terminators - Death Guard
4 item(s)

5011921155859, 5011921155859
Talos - Drukhari
6 item(s)

Scourges - Drukhari
3 item(s)


Wraithguard - Craftworlds

3 item(s)


Wraithlord - Craftworlds

4 item(s)


Wave Serpent - Craftworlds

2 item(s)


Auxilla Bullgryns - Astra Militarum

2 item(s)


Hydra - Astra Militarum

4 item(s)

Attack Bike - Space Marines
Out of stock

Venerable Dreadnought - Space Marines
5 item(s)

Terminator Close Combat Squad - Space Marines
4 item(s)