Table Top Miniatures Games


The Birthing Daughters are used to spread the will of the all powerful Brood Mother throughout the Ratkin nest. In battle they stay close to the secret entrances, listening for more commands from their tyrannical matriarch.

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Tabitha and Raul are denizens of Black mountain in the Mojave wasteland. Under Tabitha’s guidance a group of Super Mutant Nightkin have set up shop, ready to create her state of ‘Utobitha’. Her radio broadcasts and night time raids have become the scourge of the area surrounding the encampment. One victim of the raids is Raul, a ghoul mechanic always kept one day away from execution by the Nightkin. His services are his salvation however, and as long as he keeps fixing things, the Super Mutants will continue to have a use for him.
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A Nords Warband Set is the ideal place for an aspiring commander to begin his collection into the world of Conquest. With two Characters and three Regiment it provides the player with enough troops to play a solid game of Conquest: First Blood, while also providing a starting point for a full Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings army. Makes a great gift!
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BattleTech: Clan Striker Star
4 item(s)

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Mirelurk Hatchlings + Eggs
3 item(s)

The NCR has created strong military procedure and structure to aid its efforts on the front line. While the commanders themselves come with different attitudes and levels of experience, they all fight for the good of the NCR. Chief Hanlon is the leader of the Rangers, his explosive tactics being instrumental in the events of the first battle for hoover dam. General Oliver is in charge of the NCR’s Mojave forces. While no lover of Chrief Hanlon or the rangers, he is a staunch support of the NCR’s president and a believer in military might, even if his application of such is not as expert as he believes. Lt. Gorobets is the leader of the 1st Recon Alpha team. A tough and expert leader, he cares greatly for the troopers under his command and is not above looking for help from outside sources if it can help them.
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A Spires Warband Set is the ideal place for an aspiring commander to begin his collection into the world of Conquest. With two Characters and three Regiment it provides the player with enough troops to play a solid game of Conquest: First Blood, while also providing a starting point for a full Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings army. Makes a great gift!
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Created using the same brilliant aesthetics of the new box sets and Grasslands and Battle of Tukayyid mapsets, these maps include a variety of terrain elements that deliver interesting battlefields for players of every skill level. Each map is 17” x 22”, paper, and may be placed side-on or edge-on with other maps for expanded battlefields.
1 item(s)

In the chaotic first days of the zombie apocalypse civilians that once shared neighborhoods, schools and town hall meetings banded together for survival in the face of unimaginable horror.
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Cyberpunk: Combat Zone Arasaka
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BattleTech: Inner Sphere Striker Lance
4 item(s)

BattleTech: Clan Support Star
4 item(s)

BattleTech: Clan Heavy Battle Star
2 item(s)

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BattleTech: Interstellar Operations Alternate Eras
3 item(s)

In the chaotic first days of the zombie apocalypse civilians that once shared neighborhoods, schools and town hall meetings banded together for survival in the face of unimaginable horror.
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Commandos are the frontline troops of most Orc armies and are as versatile as they are fearless. Most will have been trained by the veterans of the rebellion against the GCPS or their descendants. Their weapons and armour might not meet the same specifications as a modern GCPS Marie’s gear, but their readiness to fight and will to win are unmatched.
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Among the Ardent, Flame Berserkers are a small brotherhood who, gifted beyond their peers with the raw power of the Element of Fire, do not seek to master or tame it, but rather embody it. For most, this transition happens during the Dheukorro, the Descent, the trail of passage all Ardent must complete to prove their devotion. None speak of what happens in the deep, but when they return they are changed: their bodies sport crude implants that compensate for those losses they have suffered to foe or flame, while their obsidian arms and what little armor they bear are impervious to the flame and heat they generate. In their mind, the trade is a favorable one: life for glory, time for worth.
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More than a century after their revolt and escape from the Abyssal Dwarfs, the Ratkin have become a menace that has plagued many of the civilised lands. Tales of savage beasts, arcane magics and bizarre contraptions going to war alongside hordes of chittering vermin cause fear where ever they’re heard. The Ratkin are coming.
"**PREORDER** - estimated release date: March, 2021
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Liftoff planet and conquer an entire solar system! Deploy kilometer-long WarShips as escorts, first for JumpShips bridging the gulf between stars, then for detaching DropShips that burn in system to drop troops onto any battlefield. New aerospace tactics will allow you to gain air supremacy to match your grasp of ground tactics. Yet the war for a star system is more than a single battle and a commander that utilizes his supplies and personnel with skill will survive the numerous battles to come.
4 item(s)

This versatile Starter Set is designed for novices and veterans alike. New players can dip their toes into the world of Conquest with the Spires and launch into a quick game of First Blood with just the contents of this pack while veterans players can acquire a character while reinforcing key units on a budget!
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The Militia Act has been one of the most stabilizing and far reaching reforms ever implemented in the Hundred Kingdoms, curbing the power of the noble lords, while helping the population defend itself against outside threats. This holds doubly true in the old imperial province of Braeonia, where the peasantry has mastered the use of the longbow.
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This scenery pack is designed to allow you to lend your replications of the battle using the Epic Battles system extra authenticity. It includes the Schmucker House, originally constructed as the Theological Seminary building. This site was used by both the Union and Confederate forces as a hospital during the battle.

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Ugr occupy a very strange place in Nord society. They are the exalted progeny of demigods, capable of doing the work of a dozen men and terrifying foes when roused to anger. On the other hand, it is difficult to stand in awe of a being that is challenged by numbers that exceed a single digit, simple concepts such as personal hygiene, or the mind-boggling mechanics of doors, for that matter.
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