Table Top Miniatures Games


Star Wars: Shatterpoint - Measuring Tools

3 item(s)

A Dweghom Warband Set is the ideal place for an aspiring commander to begin his collection into the world of Conquest. With two Characters and three Regiment it provides the player with enough troops to play a solid game of Conquest: First Blood, while also providing a starting point for a full Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings army. Makes a great gift!
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This versatile Starter Set is designed for novices and veterans alike. New players can dip their toes into the world of Conquest with the W’adrhŭn and launch into a quick game of First Blood with just the contents of this pack while veterans players can acquire a character while reinforcing key units on a budget!
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Everything you need to start your Conquest experience with the Hundred Kingdoms in one box!
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Ugr occupy a very strange place in Nord society. They are the exalted progeny of demigods, capable of doing the work of a dozen men and terrifying foes when roused to anger. On the other hand, it is difficult to stand in awe of a being that is challenged by numbers that exceed a single digit, simple concepts such as personal hygiene, or the mind-boggling mechanics of doors, for that matter.
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This versatile Starter Set is designed for novices and veterans alike. New players can dip their toes into the world of Conquest with the Hundred Kingdoms and launch into a quick game of First Blood with just the contents of this pack while veterans players can acquire a character while reinforcing key units on a budget!
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What caused the dead to rise? Was it a secret government experiment that escaped, an unstoppable mutated natural virus, or an ancient supernatural curse on humanity?
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Although they’re not capable of true flight, the speed and maneuverability afforded by their jump packs make the Skyscrapers valued assault troops for Marauder generals. Few forces are prepared for the sudden impact and close range fire of a jet propelled commando.
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The massed charge of Household Knights is one of the most powerful weapons at the disposal of a Hundred Kingdoms commander. Hundreds of pounds of obdurate metal and muscle, forged through years of training and experience, they have shattered men, formations, and kingdoms throughout the ages...
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Unlike the Brute and Force Grown Drones the Vanguard Clones are not grown in the spawning pits deep within the Underspire. Woven from 100% pure exile tissue, their strands are improved upon and woven to produce superior specimens.
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The scrawny goblins that accompany Marauder fighting parties aren’t suited to close quarters combat. If possible, goblins prefer to fight at range, putting their efforts into crewing procured artillery pieces. Whether bought, stolen, or scavenged, these temperamental weapons are still very effective on the battlefield.
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Remnants of the world before the Great War, many of the military installations and checkpoints are ringed by formations of Military Barricades. Providing a solid wall of metal between you and any enemy fire, these defensive structures are perfect for sheltering behind to catch a breath and reload, ready for action. This boxed set contains six resin Military Barricades to allow players to add detail to their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare tables.
2 item(s)

9781472852366, 9781472852366, US:::3.99 USD, 9781472852366

Xenos Rampant is a setting agnostic, large skirmish, miniature wargame for fighting science fiction battles using 28mm figures.

1 item(s)

The Plague is a highly virulent form of alien bio weapon. Once the Plague starts to spread on a colony or planet, the only way to stop it is via blockades, Deadzones and planetary isolation. This set is a great way to start your Plague army, or expand an existing force to challenge your opponents and spread the terror of the Plague!
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Battletech: Inner Sphere Support Lance

4 item(s)

This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with scenic bases.
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Project Z is a skirmish wargame survival set during the zombie apocalypse.

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Alpha Strike is BattleTech's fast-playing game of armored combat.
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Despite the events of the Mandrake Rebellion and the Marauders’ piratical behaviour there are still some corporations within the GCPS who will sell to them money is the universal language, after all. This includes manufacturers of various off brand Mule transports. These rugged vehicles are operated and maintained by goblin mechanics, outfitted with the commandos’ favoured weapons.
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Battletech Paint Starter
1 item(s)

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Alpha Strike is BattleTech's fast-playing game of armored combat.
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BattleTech: Clan Fire Star
4 item(s)

BattleTech: Inner Sphere Direct Fire Lance
4 item(s)

Alpha Strike: Commander's Edition collects into one handy volume the revised fast-play rules from the original Alpha Strike and the expanded rules
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