WarLock Tiles

WarLock Tiles: Caverns Game Mat - Magma Chamber
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WarLock Tiles: Caverns Game Mat - Expansive Cave
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WarLock Tiles: Caverns Accessory - Mushrooms & Pools

2 item(s)

WarLock Tiles: Base Set - Caverns
2 item(s)

WarLock Tiles: Accessory - Torture Chamber
2 item(s)

WarLock Tiles: Accessory - Tavern
2 item(s)

Naturally occurring formations that normally take decades, even centuries to form, these impressive spires may be arranged and configured to span from floor to ceiling, forming impressive spires and delicate columns.
2 item(s)


Ramshackle docks and piers that have been cobbled together from scrap wood and only somewhat maintained over years of service at the edge of a vast Subterranean Lake (SKU 16542). Moored here are a handful of watercraft:
a pair of simple barrel rafts and a surprisingly well-crafted rowboat left by an owner whose luck must have run out.

2 item(s)

With modular options and over 30 pieces, set the scene for the eager buzz of the townspeople heading to market. Whether shopping for produce from the merchants, or avoiding the gaze of the executioner, you’re sure to enjoy a memorable game night at your table. A great addition to any miniature terrain collection! 
2 item(s)

WarLock Tiles: Accessory - Kitchen
2 item(s)

Spanning high in the darkness of vast caverns, sturdy natural bridges (and precarious rope and plank bridges) arch across stretches of open air, reachable by clambering up sturdy, but precarious pillars.
2 item(s)