Table Top Miniatures Games


November 3067 saw the culmination of work two centuries in the making, work begun by Primus Conrad Toyama of ComStar, successor to Jerome Blake and the man responsible for single-handedly turning ComStar into a pseudo-religious organization with a vision: to lead mankind to the light.

2 item(s)

Technical Readout: Succession Wars is the perfect “first Technical Readout” companion to the BattleMech Manual.
2 item(s)

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A Game of Armored Combat includes everything you need to start tossing dice and moving miniatures on your gaming table. Do you have what it takes to plant the banner of victory and become a legend? Leap into the action and find out!
2 item(s)

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Total Warfare is the single-source rulebook for people who play BattleTech. It is not intended to teach new players the game, but rather to serve as a reference work for people who know the game, while introducing more technologies and expansive rules than appear in the basic box set.

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The most basic infantry building block was the infantry regiment (referred to as a “battalion” in Hardee’s drill manual, which was used by both sides). In both North and South the infantry regiments were organised on similar lines.

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This pack is designed to lend your Epic Battles: American Civil War campaigns with a little extra tabletop authenticity. Included are two houses typical of the period as well as a Dutch Style Barn, largely located in the American Midwest – less than 600 examples are estimated to still be standing today.

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The most basic infantry building block was the infantry regiment (referred to as a “battalion” in Hardee’s drill manual, which was used by both sides). In both North and South the infantry regiments were organised on similar lines.

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This scenery pack is designed to allow you to lend your replications of the battle using the Epic Battles system extra authenticity. It includes the Schmucker House, originally constructed as the Theological Seminary building. This site was used by both the Union and Confederate forces as a hospital during the battle.

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Chopped for Time
3 item(s)

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Comstar Battle Level II
4 item(s)

This versatile Starter Set is designed for novices and veterans alike. New players can dip their toes into the world of Conquest with the Spires and launch into a quick game of First Blood with just the contents of this pack while veterans players can acquire a character while reinforcing key units on a budget!
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This versatile Starter Set is designed for novices and veterans alike. New players can dip their toes into the world of Conquest with the Hundred Kingdoms and launch into a quick game of First Blood with just the contents of this pack while veterans players can acquire a character while reinforcing key units on a budget!
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This versatile Starter Set is designed for novices and veterans alike. New players can dip their toes into the world of Conquest with the W’adrhŭn and launch into a quick game of First Blood with just the contents of this pack while veterans players can acquire a character while reinforcing key units on a budget!
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This book introduces rules for linking your games into Campaigns. It has rules ranging from simple experience gain for your troops and commanders to full blown map campaigns with development, evolution, and strategic movement as well as suggestions on how to run a narrative campaign. It also delves, for the first time, into the lore of the W’adrhŭn, the Old Dominion, the City States, and the Weavers, allowing the players a first glimpse into these secretive and hitherto unknown or forgotten factions!
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Exemplars of the Ardent creed, the Kerawegh have gone farther and deeper than any living Dweghom in the Dheukorro: they have reached the very gates of War’s Primordial prison. Refusing the dark call of that promethean threshold, the Kerawegh find in their devotion to kin and creed the strength to turn back to the surface. Acclaimed by their fellow Ardent, the respect they command among their fellows naturally pushes them into positions of leadership in their anarchic creed.
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Among the Ardent, Flame Berserkers are a small brotherhood who, gifted beyond their peers with the raw power of the Element of Fire, do not seek to master or tame it, but rather embody it. For most, this transition happens during the Dheukorro, the Descent, the trail of passage all Ardent must complete to prove their devotion. None speak of what happens in the deep, but when they return they are changed: their bodies sport crude implants that compensate for those losses they have suffered to foe or flame, while their obsidian arms and what little armor they bear are impervious to the flame and heat they generate. In their mind, the trade is a favorable one: life for glory, time for worth.
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Be they shield-bearing warriors or ballistae specialists, when one encounters unranked Hold Warriors, he will mostly be facing hardened veterans who have devoted their life to military service. The small percentage who are not lifelong servicemen, however, trade battlefield experience for ambition and ruthlessness, making them just as dangerous on the field of battle.
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While the clamor of war spreads, the wisest among those living fear the rising of the Dweghom, the oldest disciples of War. The last time the entirety of their Hosts marched to battle, the eternal reign of Dragons came to an end in a conflict so violent, the land itself withdrew. Now, as the clamor of battle from above echoes in the tunnels of their Holds, they feel the pulse quicken in their veins. Their hearts are eager to beat in tune with the drums of War, their bodies eager to join the fray… and the doors of Holds open once more.
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A Dweghom Warband Set is the ideal place for an aspiring commander to begin his collection into the world of Conquest. With two Characters and three Regiment it provides the player with enough troops to play a solid game of Conquest: First Blood, while also providing a starting point for a full Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings army. Makes a great gift!
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When raids are planned, or musters drawn for battle, clever Jarls and Kings will seek out the Blooded within their realms and entice them to service to lead the… wilder… elements of their forces. The Blooded thus stalk across the battlefield like demigods of old, leading a monstrous host straight into the heart of the enemy forces.
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Towering over 6 meters, a Mountain Jotnar is a primordial force of destruction on the battlefield. Their powerful limbs can shatter a shield line in a single blow, hurling full grown men through the air like they were toys.
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For most Stalkers, the onset of their powers is more gradual. As they manifest, the din and clamor of village life makes it impossible for them to sleep or concentrate, to say nothing of the stench their nostrils bathe in at all times. Slowly driven from their homes, they soon find a peace of sorts in the frozen forests and mountains of Mannheim.
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Ugr occupy a very strange place in Nord society. They are the exalted progeny of demigods, capable of doing the work of a dozen men and terrifying foes when roused to anger. On the other hand, it is difficult to stand in awe of a being that is challenged by numbers that exceed a single digit, simple concepts such as personal hygiene, or the mind-boggling mechanics of doors, for that matter.
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A Nords Warband Set is the ideal place for an aspiring commander to begin his collection into the world of Conquest. With two Characters and three Regiment it provides the player with enough troops to play a solid game of Conquest: First Blood, while also providing a starting point for a full Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings army. Makes a great gift!
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Unleashed on the outside world for the first time in millennia, Marksmen Clones are reaping a bloody toll on the battlefield, providing withering salvoes of accurate fire for the monstrous throng the Spires call an army.
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Unlike the Brute and Force Grown Drones the Vanguard Clones are not grown in the spawning pits deep within the Underspire. Woven from 100% pure exile tissue, their strands are improved upon and woven to produce superior specimens.
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A Spires Warband Set is the ideal place for an aspiring commander to begin his collection into the world of Conquest. With two Characters and three Regiment it provides the player with enough troops to play a solid game of Conquest: First Blood, while also providing a starting point for a full Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings army. Makes a great gift!
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The massed charge of Household Knights is one of the most powerful weapons at the disposal of a Hundred Kingdoms commander. Hundreds of pounds of obdurate metal and muscle, forged through years of training and experience, they have shattered men, formations, and kingdoms throughout the ages...
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The Militia Act has been one of the most stabilizing and far reaching reforms ever implemented in the Hundred Kingdoms, curbing the power of the noble lords, while helping the population defend itself against outside threats. This holds doubly true in the old imperial province of Braeonia, where the peasantry has mastered the use of the longbow.
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Everything you need to start your Conquest experience with the Hundred Kingdoms in one box!
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The Steel Legion is one of the oldest fighting forces in the Tellian Empire. Taking its name from the storied legions of the old Dominion and tracing its origins to the very first professional armies the Emperor fielded, only the Orders can claim a more storied or glorious past.
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A Hundred Kingdoms Warband Set is the ideal place for an aspiring commander to begin his collection into the world of Conquest. With two Characters and three Regiment it provides the player with enough troops to play a solid game of Conquest: First Blood, while also providing a starting point for a full Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings army. Makes a great gift!
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Grab a friend and dive into the world of Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings with our Core Box Set! With proposed scenarios designed to ease you into the system of Conquest, the box contains three warbands and a commander unit for each faction, allowing two players to clash on the field. Whether you rally the might of the Hundred Kingdoms or command the twisted creations of the Spires, the objective is one and the same: Conquest.
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Cyberpunk Red Dice
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Cyberpunk Red: Combat Zone 22x30 Mat Double Sided

1 item(s)


Cyberpunk Red: Combat Zone 44x30 Mat double sided

1 item(s)

Cyberpunk: Combat Zone 2 Player Starter
1 item(s)

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Cyberpunk: Combat Zone Arasaka
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Cyberpunk: Combat Zone Bozos
5 item(s)

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Cyberpunk: Combat Zone Danger Gals
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Cyberpunk: Combat Zone Edgerunners Starter 1
4 item(s)

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Cyberpunk: Combat Zone Edgerunners Starter 2
4 item(s)

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Cyberpunk: Combat Zone Generation Red
3 item(s)

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Cyberpunk: Combat Zone Lawmen
4 item(s)

Cyberpunk: Combat Zone Maelstrom
1 item(s)

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Cyberpunk: Combat Zone Trauma Team
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Cyberpunk: Combat Zone Tyger Claws
2 item(s)

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Cyberpunk: Combat Zone Zoners
4 item(s)