Role Playing Games

This screen will help you keep your notes, dice rolls, and plans hidden from your players while also providing handy information. Immerse your players in your world with the Genesys Game Master’s Screen!
1 item(s)

Dungeons & Dragons: Curse of Strahd - Strahd Foot & Mounted
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in stock, new, Toys & Games > Games > Board Games, 8435407637146, 8435407637146, US:::3.99 USD, 8435407637146, in stock , new, 8435407637146

This 96-page, beautifully illustrated book introduces locations throughout the Star Wars galaxy, a new playable species, and a wide range of adversaries from local matriarchs and Clone Wars-era droids to sadistic criminals and vicious wild beasts.

2 item(s)


Begin your quest as a champion of the downtrodden with Keeping the Peace. This supplement expands upon the Force and Destiny RPG, adding new content for Guardians and any other characters who hear the call of justice in a galaxy of oppression. Draw your lightsaber to shield the meek, forge your own armor, and become a hero whose legend transcends even death.

1 item(s)

The Player’s Guide for the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game presents a wealth of information and advice for gamers new to Star Trek and to Star Trek Adventures, as well as for experienced players looking for additional guidance and new options to enhance their characters and games.
2 item(s)


Dungeons & Dragons Figurines of Adorable Power capture the most adorable side of your favorite monsters! The collection features some of the most iconic monsters you will encounter on your adventures. Befriend your very own Black Dragon and bring him to your next table-top gaming session! Collect them all!

1 item(s)

D&D: Wand of Orcus
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The Fate of the World is in Your Hands! Welcome, agents. Enter a world of international espionage and action in a modern setting. Delve into a world of spies, assassins, diabolical masterminds and suave secret agents. The Spy Game is an action & espionage roleplaying game built using the 5th edition of the world’s most famous roleplaying game.
1 item(s)
"**PREORDER** - estimated release date: April, 2021
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London 2012. Mithras, god among vampires, returns from diablerie at the fangs of Montgomery Coven. The Heralds of the Sun awaken from torpor unable to remember who they are, but driven to seek five artifacts to restore their master to his full glory. The Second Inquisition rises to burn London’s Kindred to ashes. The characters find themselves embroiled in history as it unfolds. Their actions might see a god return, or cast him down to the darkness from whence he came. London burns under Operation Antigen, one of the earliest and most devastating attacks of the Second Inquisition. All the while they slowly uncover the shards of their own identities. What legacy do they leave?
1 item(s)


Journeys through the Radiant Citadel is a collection of thirteen short, stand-alone D&D adventures featuring challenges for character levels 1–14. This is the Alternative Cover Edition.

3 item(s)


"Broken Tusk Moon" is a Pathfinder adventure for four 1st-level characters. This adventure begins the Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path, a three-part monthly campaign in which the heroes lead a band of nomadic hunter-gatherers across a brutal primordial landscape. This adventure also includes a catalog of the characters’ band, the Broken Tusks; new spells, feats, and items perfect for trappers and foragers; and new prehistoric creatures to befriend or bedevil your players.

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Building on the structure of 30 Nights, Assassins Night is a campaign book for Shadowrun, Sixth World that provides short adventures that can be linked into a longer campaign centered on a major event-the attempted assassination of one of the world`s power players. The players take a major role in determining how events shake out, who gains from these events-and who takes the blame.
3 item(s)

Map Pack 3: End of the Line! features a train station, corner saloon, and other classic western buildings.
1 item(s)

The Spellbook Cards card decks are an invaluable resource for any magic-user. Having all of your spell details right at your fingertips saves you having to spend time searching through books in the middle of an encounter. And you can easily consult the entire deck when selecting new spells to learn. After each long rest you can set aside those spells you want to prepare for the day. Each deck is made from thick laminated card so they will stand the test of time.
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Starfinder: Adventure Path - Attack of the Swarm! 6 of 6: The God-Host Ascends
2 item(s)


The Contagion Chronicle is an overarching compendium of chronicle hooks, riveting settings, and Storyteller aids to help present all the Chronicles of Darkness game lines with one consistent story. In the chronicle, the Contagion acts as a motivational force and inspires the formation of factions where vampires, werewolves, mages, mummies, etc. come together in new and unique ways.

1 item(s)

They Came From Beneath The Sea! Screen
1 item(s)
"**PREORDER** - estimated release date: April, 2021
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In a sleepy seaside town along the coast of Japan, an ancient evil stirs. There, guarded by the monks that have sworn to protect it, sits a great obsidian Buddha statue. Resting in the center of its forehead is a faintly glowing gem and behind it a dark mystery.
Hidden in the shadows, a doomsday cult awaits for the most opportune time to release the ancient evil that hides behind the Obsidian Gate.

2 item(s)

in stock, new, 9780857444066, 9780857444066

The old Emperor is dead, and his successor is anything but clear. In the halls of the powerful, diplomacy has failed, civil strife is rampant, and the trumpets of war ring loud and clear!

Fight for control of The Empire, securing your holdings with faith, steel, and gunpowder. Who among the Elector Counts is worthy of ascending to Sigmar’s throne?

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This massive 528-page hardcover rulebook is the essential centerpiece of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, with rules for character creation, magic, gear, and more—everything you need to play Starfinder as either a player or Game Master! The next great adventure in science-fantasy roleplaying takes off here, and the Starfinder Core Rulebook is your ticket to a lifetime of adventure amid the stars!

1 item(s)

This Shadowrun, Sixth World Gamemasters Screen is what you want it to be. How do we know? Because you get to shape it. A player-facing large pocket lets you share scene inserts to change up the players visual experience, with many included with the screen. Card pockets on the GM side help them track current NPCs and other game stats, while the GM side also displays commonly used tables. Reference sheets for the players provide easy access to critical information.
1 item(s)

A new edition of Shadowrun requires new stories, and Cutting Black launches Shadowrun, Sixth World Edition with a bang! Following on the immersive style of classic Shadowrun books such as Universal Brotherhood and Bug City as well as newer successes like Dark Terrors, Cutting Black sets up storylines full of dark dealings and intrigue that will shake the Shadowrun setting and inspire game campaigns for months or longer.
1 item(s)


In the galaxy's most oppressive, urban environments, there are still some who dedicate themselves to fighting back from the shadows. These Sentinels are the last bastions of hope in these desperate cities, and theirs is often a thankless vigil. Even as they try to redress unsolved crimes and loosen the Empire's stranglehold upon their worlds, they risk being reported by ordinary citizens who think they're doing the right thing.

2 item(s)

in stock

Pulp Fantastic contains everything you need to create your own high-octane pulp adventures featuring masked avengers, mad scientists, gritty gumshoes or any other kind of pulp hero you can imagine. Included are a gazetteer and timeline of the Pulp Era, rules for creating vile villains and strange inventions, and a bestiary of monstrous creatures! Adventure calls! Will you answer?

1 item(s)