

Contains 25 warscroll cards for every unit including 3 Endless Spells from Battletome: Fyreslayers. Includes two double-sided card sheets of push-out gaming tokens.

1 item(s)

in stock, in stock

Contains 20 green-colored dice with white ink.

4 item(s)

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Sylvaneth - Druanti The Arch-Revenant
1 item(s)

Endless Spells: Sylvaneth
Out of stock

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Sylvaneth - Dryads
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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Sylvaneth - Tree-Revenants
5 item(s)


Contains the full rules and background for Sylvaneth, fully updated for the latest edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

2 item(s)

Sylvaneth: Lady Of Vines
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Kurnoth Hunters - Sylvaneth

3 item(s)


Drycha Hamadreth - Sylvaneth

Out of stock


Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Sylvaneth - Warsong Revenant

4 item(s)


5 plastic, multi-part, Citadel Miniatures. Previously only available in the Echoes of Doom Battle Box set. Fast skirmishers, difficult to pin down and are a great purchase alongside the Spiterider Lancers.

3 item(s)