Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Blades of Khorne: Dice
7 item(s)

Blades of Khorne: Realmgore Ritualist
8 item(s)

preorder, 5011921162925, 5011921162925, US:::3.99 USD, 5011921162925, preorder , 5011921162925

Bloodpelt hunter - Ogor Mawtribes

3 item(s)

Broken Realms: Be'lakor
2 item(s)

Broken Realms: Morathi
1 item(s)

Broken Realms: Teclis (Hardback)
2 item(s)

Callis & Toll: Saviours of Cinderfall
Out of stock


This Army box is the first look at the new Cities of Sigmar models and rules for Warhammer Age of Sigmar 3rd edition!

3 item(s)


Cities of Sigmar: Venestra: Matriarch of the Great Wheel

3 item(s)

Cities of Sigmar: Freeguild Cavalier Marshal
3 item(s)


Cities of Sigmar: Freeguild Cavaliers

5 item(s)

Cities of Sigmar: Freeguild Command Corps
3 item(s)