Tau Empire and Solar Auxilia preorders for May 11th

US:::3.95 USD

Solar Auxilia: Basilisk/Medusa

2 item(s)

US:::3.95 USD

Solar Auxilia: Hermes Sentinel Squadron

3 item(s)

US:::3.95 USD

T'au Empire: Codex

2 item(s)

T'au Empire: Combat Patrol
Out of stock

US:::3.95 USD

T'au Empire: Datacards

4 item(s)

T'au Empire: Dice
Out of stock

T'au Empire: Koot Carnivore Squad
3 item(s)

US:::3.95 USD
T'au Empire: Kroot Flesh Shaper
4 item(s)

T'au Empire: Kroot Hounds
Out of stock

T'au Empire: Kroot Lone-Spear
Out of stock

US:::3.95 USD
T'au Empire: Kroot Trail Shaper
3 item(s)

T'au Empire: Kroot War Shaper
3 item(s)

T'au Empire: Krootox Rampagers
2 item(s)

US:::3.95 USD

T'au Empire: Krootox Rider

Out of stock