Games Workshop

Games Workshop is the publisher responsible for games like Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Necromunda, Blood Bowl and more.

in stock, in stock

Contains 20 green-colored dice with white ink.

4 item(s)


Age of Sigmar: The Long Hunt

3 item(s)


Age of Sigmar: The Mad King Rises

3 item(s)


Allarus Custodians - Adeptus Custodes

5 item(s)

in stock, in stock
A 128-page Hardback narrative Expansion book for Necromunda that advances the timeline. Provides players with 12 scenarios along with a unique Campaign that sees the players pick a side in the civil war for Necromudnda. Alongside this are rules for House Goliath and House Escher and 4 Dramatis Personae making this an essential purchase for narrative driven Necromunda fans. Includes rules for the Goliath Maulers.
2 item(s)


Aranthian Succession: Vaults of Temenos

2 item(s)


Arcane Journal: Kingdom of Bretonnia

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Arcane Journal: Tomb Kings of Khemri
11 item(s)


Ardboyz - Ironjawz

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Arks of Omen: Angron
2 item(s)


Arks of Omen: Farsight is the 4th book in the Arks of Omen series and features the Tau Empire's Commander Farsight.

2 item(s)

This set of 15 D6 dice is red in color with black pips and replaces the 6 side with a Farsight Enclaves Logo.
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