Board Games

A board game is a tabletop game that involves counters or pieces moved or placed on a pre-marked surface or "board", according to a set of rules. Some games are based on pure strategy, but many contain an element of chance; and some are purely chance, with no element of skill.


Oh no! Not another fucking elf! It’s the Fantasy Pack, co-written with make-believers Pat Rothfuss, Neil Gaiman, Sam Sykes, Myke Cole, Jacqueline Carey, Martha Wells, Sherwood Smith, Elizabeth Bear, and Wesley Chu.

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All people know that food is divided into four categories: chomp chomps, snick-snacks, crunchies, and yellow circles. In the United States, food is a big part of everyone’s daily lives. When people don’t have enough of it, it causes a big problem! Here’s an expansion about the topic: food.
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We all know there's nothing you geeks love more than branded references you can consume. Remember Batman? What about Firefly? Bazinga!

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The Green Box contains 300 totally new cards you can add to your deck of Cards Against Humanity, which is great because you love Cards Against Humanity.

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Cards Against Humanity: Head Trip
2 item(s)

Fun fact: 100% of the Cards Against Humanity writers are Jewish. Can you believe it? A Jewish comedy writer! Anything is possible in 2017. 30 cards from...
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Have you ever looked down at your underpants and said, “oh no”? Cards Against Humanity’s got you covered with our most absorbent pack yet: The Period Pack.

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It’s Pride Month, the time of year when companies put a rainbow on their products to capitalize on gay culture. Fabulous! Here's the Pride Pack.

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The Red Box contains 300 cards you can add to your deck of Cards Against Humanity, making it a better bludgeoning weapon against home invaders.

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Remember that time when we all thought the Trump presidency was going to be an unmitigated disaster? And then Cards Against Humanity saved America? Well, we still have the cards from that.

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Red Alert! Sensors detect 30 Cards Against Humanity cards headed straight for the warp core! Set condition one throughout the fleet and prepare for new content!

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The Bigger Blacker Box is a tremendous, empty storage case that can hold Cards Against Humanity and every expansion. Now redesigned to hold the entire expanded Cards Against Humanity product line! (60% more cards than before).

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